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Curriculum Vitae

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Born in Dayton, OH
University of Virginia, 1992, BA (with distinction) English Literature / Modern Studies
Currently lives and works in Providence, RI

A W A R D S , G R A N T S + C O M M I S S I O N S

2011 –
"Cloud Seeding" Denver Public Library, Denver, CO.
Permanent interactive public art installation at the new Green Valley Ranch neighborhood library.
Denver Office of Cultural Affairs. Completed May 2011 Budget: $140,000

2011 – "In Passing" Rhode Island Department of Motor Vehicles. Cranston, RI.
Permanent interactive public art installation at the new DMV.
RI State Council on the Arts. Budget: $89,000 (in progress for fall 2011 completion)

2011 – "Soundings" Music City Center, Nashville, TN. Finalist for permanent public art installation at
Nashville's new convention center. Convention Center Authority + Metro Nashville Arts Commission
(winner announced in August 2011)

2010 – "Witness: Katrina" original soundtrack, National Geographic Channel.
Original soundtrack, sound design + score for a feature-length documentary on Hurricane
Katrina, by Emmy-award winning production company (August 2010).

2010 – "Pole-to-Pole" Washington Dulles International Airport, Dulles, VA.
Public art installation at the International Arrivals Terminal (finalist).
Washington Airports Authority. Budget: $225,000

2010 – "Curiouser" Exhibit, Providence Museum of Natural History, Providence, RI.
Curator + artist for a permanent collaborative exhibit drawing from the museum's extensive collection
of artifacts + specimens. Budget: $24,000 (Nov. 2010 - Sept. 2011)

2009 –
Untitled Commission by the NASA RI Space Grant Consortium. 40-minute composition + multi-media installation based on the timeline of the geological formation of the moon, built from a visual score created by E. Carlson (to premier spring 2009)

2009 – Robert and Margaret MacColl-Johnson Fellowship winner for music composition

2008 – RI State Council on the Arts Merit Award winner

2008 – University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Science + Engineering Building. Finalist in national public art RFP for "You Are Spinning," a permanent interactive video and sound installation accompanying the university's Foucault Pendulum

2008 – Sea of Rains NASA RI Space Grant Consortium / Providence Museum of Natural History
Music commissioned for the Mission Moon: Past Present Future exhibit at the Museum of Natural History

2008 – "Strangeloop: An Ethereal Walking Tour of the North Burial Ground" Providence, RI
A multi-media GPS-enabled walking tour of various curiosities in Providence's oldest cemetery, usingpersonal handheld devices and web-based media. Commissioned for the Cryptic Providence Exhibit, Providence, RI. (collaboration with E.Gould) > > > >

2008 – LEF Foundation Contemporary Works Award
Grant for Mocking Bird, a new musical composition and interactive installation

2007 – Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Project Grant Award
Grant for Found Ground, an interactive video, text + sound installation in Providence, RI

2007 – Boston Society of Architects AIA Honor Award - Citation for Design
for Low Rez/Hi Fi, , a permanent interactive art installation in Washington DC (collaboration with HY Arch.)

2007 – Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Project Grant Award
for alt-SPACE, including commission of four new AREA C compositions and a multimedia performance series at the Cormack Planetarium, Providence, RI

2007 – Rhode Island Civic Center Public Art Design Competition finalist, national RFP
for Providence Plaza, a permanent interactive art installation (collaboration with Single Speed Design)

2006 – Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum Design Life Now Triennial
for Low Rez/Hi Fi. Composition+sound design by E. Carlson (collaboration with HY Architecture)

2000 – Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities Humanities Resource Grant
for BASE: Advancing a Post-Military Landscape, a photography, text and map documentation

P E R F O R M A N C E S , E X H I B I T S + L E C T U R E S

Rhode Island State Council on the Arts - New Genres Fellowship Recipient

IMEB Bourges International Competition for Electronic Arts and Music. Honorable Mention

2009 "Greenworks" Exhibit, Fidelity Investments / Providence Art Club, Providence, RI. Touch Pieces v.1 selected for juried group show.

2008 Contemporary Art Museum, Houston, TX Design Life Now Triennial
for Low Rez/Hi Fi, an interactive sound+light installation (collaboration with HY Architecture)

2008 Mid-America Print Conference, Fargo, ND: A Map of the World Multi-cultural Portfolio Exchange
a collaboration with printmaker Waverly Liu

2008 LO! Exhibit, Museum of Small Finds, Pawtucket, RI. Touch Pieces v.1 selected for juried group show.

2007 Pixilerations v.4 Digital Music + Art Festival
Fact, Fancy Legend and That Spark, two original AREA C works, selected for official presentation.

2007 alt-SPACE performance series, Cormack Planetarium, Providence, RI
four multimedia performance series by AREA C, funded by Rhode Island State Council on the Arts

2007 CTRL+ALT+REPEAT new music + electronics festival

2007 Eye Ear Nose Throat Festival experimental music festival

2006 Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, New York, NY Design Life Now Triennial
for Low Rez/Hi Fi, , a permanent interactive art installation in Washington DC (collaboration with HY Arch.)

2006 Terrastock IV Festival experimental music festival

2006 Krapp's Last Tape + Rockaby, Brown University. Sound design + audio for two Beckett plays which were produced by poet Keith Waldrop for the Shandy Hall series.

2005 Architectural League of New York Architecture + Sound Lecture
with Alvin Lucier, J.Meejin Yoon, Ben Rubin + Karen Von Lengen

2005 Rhode Island School of Design Museum Wunderground exhibit
poster designs in group exhibition

2001 Museum of Work & Culture, Woonsocket, RI: BASE exhibit
2001 University of Rhode Island Library, Kingston, RI: BASE exhibit
2001 Gallery Agniel, Providence, RI: BASE exhibit
2001 National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference, Providence, RI: BASE exhibit
2001 Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Meeting, Newport , RI: BASE exhibit

P U B L I C A T I O N S + A R T I C L E S

- Art New England "Sound Sculptures" feature article, by Anne Krinsky

2011 - The Boston Globe Feature article on “Curiouser” exhibit, by Cate McQuaid (January 4, 2011)

2011 - Artscope Magazine Feature article on “Curiouser” exhibit, by Judith Tolnick Champa (Jan/Feb. 2011)

2010 - The Journal of Advancing Technology. Feature article "The Infinite Library," by Kathleen Dunley

2010 - The Providence Journal Feature article on “Curiouser” exhibit at the Museum of Natural History

2010 - WRNI – RI Public Radio Feature story on “Curiouser” exhibit at the Museum of Natural History

2009 - The WIRE: Adventures in Modern Music: review of “The Planetarium Project” CD

2009 - Textura Online: “Six String Alchemists” feature article

- The WIRE: Adventures in Modern Music: review of Sea of Rains CD

2007 - Boston Phoenix: "Loop dynamics: The ambient experiments of Area C" feature article by S.Bolle

2007 - The WIRE: Adventures in Modern Music: reviews of Haunt and Trick with a Knife CDs

2007 - Architectural Record: "Lo Rez / Hi Fi gives a D.C. building a much-needed sense of place." Feature article by Charles Lynn (November '07 issue)

2007 - Washington Post: "Bathed in the Right Light" Feature article by Philip Kennicott (Lo Rez / Hi Fi)

2006 - The WIRE: Adventures in Modern Music: review of Traffics+Discoveries CD

2006 - The WIRE: Adventures in Modern Music: review of the handmd series limited edition CDs

2005 - Metropolis Magazine "The Road to Innovation' by Laurie Manfra (for the Big Dig Building with SINGLE speed DESIGN)

2004 - Metropolis Magazine: "Next Generation Winner" Feature article by Alex Marshall (for the Big Dig Building with SINGLE speed DESIGN)

2002 - BASE: Advancing a Post-Military Landscape. Limited edition photo + art book, RICH Grant

A R C H I T E C T U R E | A W A R D S + E X H I B I T S

2009 Providence Preservation Society Neighborhood Revitalization, Rehabilitation and Restoration Award for the Andreas J. Stahl House, 16-17 Luongo Square, Providence, RI. (E.Carlson: architect)

2009 Providence Preservation Society Neighborhood Revitalization Award for the Magdalene Ribholtz House, 16-1/2 Luongo Square, Providence, RI. (E.Carlson: architect)

2008 Rhode Island Public Transit Authority, Providence, RI. Winner, regional RFP for design and fabrication of two custom bus shelters.

2007 Rhode Island Civic Center Public Art Design Competition: Finalist, national RFP
for Providence Plaza, a permanent interactive art installation (collaboration with Single Speed Design)

2006 Providence Preservation Society: Design Award for 1447 Westminster Street Adaptive Reuse

2005 Boston Harbor Islands Pavilion National Competition: Honorable Mention (with SINGLE speed DESIGN)

2005 Asian Cultural Complex: Honorable Mention (with SINGLE speed DESIGN)

2004 Metropolis Next Generation Prize: First Prize (with SINGLE speed DESIGN)

2004 Center for Architecture, New York, NY: Next Exhibit (with SINGLE speed DESIGN)

A R C H I T E C T U R E | P R O J E C T S

Museum of Natural History, Providence, RI. Designs for computer kiosks and interactive audio playback devices for various museum exhibits. (in progress)

Rhode Island Public Transit Authority, Providence, RI. Designs for new custom bus shelters for the Olneyville Square neighborhood in Providence, RI. Winner of RFP.

2008 A-47 Christian Assembly, Providence, RI. Design for a new 2,000 sf church (in progress)

2007 Wickenden Street Development, Providence, RI. Mixed-use renovation + new bar design (in progress)

with SINGLE speed DESIGN 2000 - 2007
From 2000 - 2007 Erik Carlson was Associate Architect + Project Manager with SINGLE speed DESIGN
click on the > > > links below to view projects on the SsD website






Coulter Residence, Medfield, MA. Residential addition + renovation > > >
1948 House, Arlington, MA. Residential addition + renovation > > >
Ocean Green, Jersey City, NJ. 63,000sf green residential complex > > >
Center for the Arts at the Armory, Somerville, MA. Multi-use arts complex + performance space
Soft Lofts, Brooklyn, NY. New residential loft > > >

Verdant Studios, Athens, VT. New recording studio > > >
Big Dig House, Lexington, MA. New "recycled" residence; AIA / BSA Housing Award > > >
Westminster Street Masterplan, Providence, RI. Masterplan + design for city block.
1447 Westminster Street, Providence, RI. Renovation + adaptive reuse, PPS Preservation Award

The Lodge, New York, NY. Music production + mastering studio > > >
Big Dig Building, Cambridge, MA. New "recycled" mixed-use building, Next Generation Prize > > >
Asian Cultural Complex, Gwangju, Korea. International design competition, Honorable Mention > > >

Gwangju Art Museum, Gwangju, Korea. International design competition > > >

Kimchee Studios, Cambridge, MA. New recording studio + offices > > >
East Hampton Residence, East Hampton, NY. New residence, poolhouse and garage > > >

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