singular thought

handmd mini-cd series 1-4

4 x 3" CDs

34 / 23 ep:
1. blue underwater / brown underground
2. boat in the lake in the woods
3. the after-years
4. valentine
5. sky in the water (< listen >)

catchment ep:
1. the index + the figure
2. marfa / masterspec
3. welcome memory (< listen >)
4. catchment (< listen >)
5. the code
6. chamber + box

no perfect waves ep:
1. are no perfect waves
2. full of misspellings / quickness / writing at sea (< listen >)
3. list of habits

speed studies #1 ep:
1. fitzgerald
2. persistence
3. screen

This series of cds were released over the course of several years. Each is packaged in a meticulous handmade sleeve of vellum, wood, mylar and paper. In 2006, the whole series was released in a limited-edition 4-pack.
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